What can I do with this?

The Soft Skills University
1 min readMar 5, 2021


Here I am. It’s 9:55pm PST, and I don’t even know how to embark on this mission. What mission you ask? To truly use Medium right.

Writing is scary. Writing online is even more scary. Writing online about how to get over the anxiety of writing is frightening. But like COVID-19 has taught many of us, we push through. Like Sex and the City showed us, Carrie Bradshaw went and wrote her articles through it all even after the craziest days. Why not do the same?

I am making an effort to write prolifically here. Simple sentences will become refined. New topics will be explored. In the end, writing styles will improve with different topics. Here we go. Here is an ode to starting to spend 30 minutes daily writing. Give me all the support you can, and I will contribute gladly across the platform.

All the best,




The Soft Skills University

Lover of jokes and existential questions. Ask me things and comment.